
Image shows opens sacks of cocoa in Ghana.

Cocoa farmers reject Ghana’s new farmgate price for 2024-2025 season

Ghana has confirmed it has raised the fixed farmgate price paid to cocoa farmers by nearly 45%, as reported by CocoaRadar earlier this week, but some groups are threatening to ‘hoard their beans’ to further push up prices
3 min read
Image shows farmers loading sacks of cocoa onto a lorry to go to the Cocobod warehouse in Ghana.

The CocoaRadar View on Cocobod to forgo syndicated loans for Ghana’s 2024-2025 cocoa season

The regulatory body is signaling a desire for greater financial independence and a move toward more sustainable financing models by forgoing syndicated loans. At the same time, raising the guaranteed price for farmers by an expected 45% increase
6 min read
Image shows Cocobod chief executive Joseph Boahen Aidoo on a recent visit to a cocoa farm

Cocobod rejects claims of syndicated loans for main cocoa harvest

Cocobod, Ghana's cocoa regulator, has said it will not ask for a bridging loan from traders and that financing for the 2024-25 season will be raised locally
2 min read
Ghana asks cocoa traders for bridging loan to cover main 2024 harvest

Ghana asks cocoa traders for bridging loan to cover main 2024 harvest

Ghana’s cocoa regulator (Cocobod) has asked for loans from major bean traders, including Barry Callebaut and Olam Group, amid uncertainty over crop output. The regulator seeks to borrow $500 million to finance industry operations.
2 min read